Thanks for getting here! You could find more information about me and also some useful or useless stuff (depending on what you're looking for), if you click on some of the links below:

numsol.com - the website of the virtual company
Numerical Solutions I've started to promote my research in various areas of applied and computational mathematics mostly dedicated to theoretical modeling, algorithm development and computer simulations in computational physics and biology.

www.math.tau.ac.il/~mmsb - the website of the First International Workshop
"Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology", I've organized (co-chaired) in Tel Aviv, in January 2010. The workshop was a huge (one can say unparalleled) success starting from the program, following by the banquet and social activities and ending up with the whole week of fabulous weather (I don't take any credit for the last one, in spite of making few phone calls). We had about 170 participants, almost half of them coming from abroad. The photo album from the workshop could be found on the photo-sharing website Picasa following this link.

www.math.tau.ac.il/~compact - the website dedicated to theoretical and numerical studies of
wave structures with compact support emerging from the Complex Klein-Gordon and Nonlinear Schrodinger models. The project was conducted in 2007-2009 and the website includes tons of color animations.

I spend my free time exploring the world and I'm combining very active (and sometimes a bit dangerous) two-three weeks adventures with the long weekends in Europe filled with live music and theater.

If you're interested to take part (join me) in some of my trips, just drop me a note (I have a short list of things I'm planning to do in the near future, but I'm very fast in making decisions).

From time to time I take my camera with me (when I'm not flying the paraplane or skiing from the glaciers) and upload some pictures on Picasa: http://picasaweb.google.com/ekashdan.

, you could also find me on Facebook, LinkedIn and maybe some other social networks.